sábado, 16 de dezembro de 2023

Palestra de Des Callaghan sobre o projeto de fotografar briófitas ao redor do mundo.

Hello Forum,

 I thoroughly enjoyed Session 1 of the IAB virtual meeting. I enjoyed excellent talks by wonderful bryologists. Unfortunately, I was not able to attend Session 2, which occurred during the middle of the night in my UK time zone. I’ve uploaded my presentation to YouTube, in case it may be of interest to those in the Session 2 time zone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzrjrXQo0So


As part of my project ‘Bryophytes around the world’, I’m very interested in visiting parts of the world with a rich bryophyte flora that remains largely unphotographed. If you inhabit such a region and would be willing to help me to plan a visit, I would be very interested to hear from you. All of my photographs are made freely available to anyone for any purpose.


Best regards,



Dr Des Callaghan

Consultant Bryologist

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Bryophyte Surveys Ltd

Tel: 07545 198711

Web: www.bryophytesurveys.co.uk

Research: www.researchgate.net/profile/Des_Callaghan

Photography: https://bryophytes.myportfolio.com/

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